# 歌曲名称 艺术家
1 Symphony: Allegro – Larghetto – Allegro Georg Friedrich Händel
2 How excellent Thy name, O Lord (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
3 Air. An Infant rais’d by thy Command (Soprano) Georg Friedrich Händel
4 Trio. Along the Monster Atheist strode (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
5 The Youth inspir’d by Thee, O Lord (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
6 How excellent thy name, O Lord (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
7 Recitative. He comes! – Air. O God-like Youth! (Michal) Georg Friedrich Händel
8 Recitative. Behold, O King… Young Man… The Son of Jesse (Abner, Saul, David) Georg Friedrich Händel
9 Air. O King, your Favours with Delight (David) Georg Friedrich Händel
10 Recitative. O early Piety! (Jonathan) – Air. What abject Thoughts a Prince can have [Merab] Georg Friedrich Händel
11 Recitative. Yet think with whom This Honour you bestow (Merab) – Air. Birth and Fortune I despise! [Jonathan] Georg Friedrich Händel
12 Recitative. Thou, Merab, first in Birth (Saul) – Air. My Soul rejects the Thought with scorn [Merab] Georg Friedrich Händel
13 Air. See with what a scornful Air – Air. Ah, lovely Youth! (Michal) Georg Friedrich Händel
14 Symphony: Andante allegro – Recitative. Already see the Daughters of the Land (Michal) Georg Friedrich Händel
15 Welcome, welcome, mighty King! (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
16 Accompagnato. What do I hear? (Saul) – David his Ten Thousands slew [Chorus] Georg Friedrich Händel
17 Accompagnato. To him Ten Thousands! – Air. With Rage I shall burst his Praises to hear! (Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
18 Recitative. Imprudent Women!… ‘Tis but his old Disease (Jonathan, Michal) Georg Friedrich Händel
19 Air. Fell Rage and black Despair possest (Michal) Georg Friedrich Händel
20 Recitative. Rack’d with Infernal Pains (Abner) – Air. O Lord, whose Mercies numberless [David] Georg Friedrich Händel
21 Symphony (Arpa): Largo Georg Friedrich Händel
22 Recitative. ‘Tis all in vain (Jonathan) – Air. A Serpent, in my Bosom warm’d [Saul] Georg Friedrich Händel
23 Recitative. Has he escap’d my Rage? (Saul) – Air. Capricious Man, in Humour lost [Merab] Georg Friedrich Händel
24 Accompagnato. O Filial Piety! (Jonathan) Georg Friedrich Händel
25 Air. No, cruel Father, no (Jonathan) Georg Friedrich Händel
26 Air. O Lord, whose Providence (High Priest) Georg Friedrich Händel
27 Preserve him for the Glory of thy Name (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
28 Envy! Eldest-born of Hell! (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
29 Recitative. Ah, dearest Friend – Air. But sooner Jordan’s Stream, I swear (Jonathan) Georg Friedrich Händel
30 Recitative. My Father comes (Jonathan) Georg Friedrich Händel
31 Recitative. Hast thou obey’d my orders… Alas, my Father! (Saul, Jonathan) – Air. Sin not, O King, against the Youth [Jonathan] Georg Friedrich Händel
32 Air. As Great Jehovah lives, I swear (Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
33 Air. From Cities storm’d, and Battles won (Jonathan) Georg Friedrich Händel
34 Recitative. Appear, my Friend… No more imagine Danger (Jonathan, Saul) – Air. Your words, O King, my Loyal Heart [David] Georg Friedrich Händel
35 Recitative. Yes, he shall wed my Daughter! (Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
36 Recitative. A Father’s Will has authoriz’d my Love (Michal) – Duet. O Fairest of ten thousand fair [Michal, David] Georg Friedrich Händel
37 Is there a Man, who all his Ways Directs (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
38 Symphony: Largo – Allegro Georg Friedrich Händel
39 Recitative. Thy Father Is as cruel, and as false (David) – Duet. At Persecution I can laugh [David, Michal] Georg Friedrich Händel
40 Recitative. Whom dost thou seek?… I seek for David (Michal, Doeg) – Air. No, no, let the Guilty tremble [Michal] Georg Friedrich Händel
41 Recitative. Mean as he was, he Is my Brother now (Merab) Georg Friedrich Händel
42 Air. Author of Peace, who canst controll (Merab) Georg Friedrich Händel
43 Symphony: Allegro Georg Friedrich Händel
44 Accompagnato. The Time at length Is come (Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
45 Recitative. Where Is the Son of Jesse?… He earnestly asked Leave (Saul, Jonathan) Georg Friedrich Händel
46 O fatal Consequence (Chorus) Georg Friedrich Händel
47 Accompagnato. Wretch That I am! (Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
48 Recitative and Accompagnato. ‘Tis said, here lives a Woman (Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
49 Recitative. With me what would’st thou?… I wou’d (Witch of Endor, Saul) Georg Friedrich Händel
50 Air. Infernal Spirits, by wose Pow’r (Witch of Endor) Georg Friedrich Händel